EVA – Estimated Van Arrival System
EVA Brochure (pdf version)
1. Go to your web browser on your computer or smartphone and enter in the web address box, then hit Enter.
2. Enter your Client ID and Last Name and click on Login.
3. Your van’s estimated arrival time will be displayed.
Guidelines for using EVA
- For security reasons, you will need to know your client ID number to access EVA. If you do not know your client ID number, you may call TheHandi-Van Customer Service 808-456-5555, Option 3.
- Estimated times will be available two (2) hours prior to your pickup. Map information will be available 30 minutes before your pickup time.
- EVA estimates are updated continuously based on the van’s progress in picking up and dropping off customers. EVA cannot predict unexpected and sudden changes such as lane closures, water main breaks or construction. EVA estimates may change rapidly as the van gets closer to your pickup location.
Reservations 808-456-5555, Option 1
Cancellations 808-456-5555, Option 2
For questions about EVA call Customer Service
808-456-5555, Option 3